Priya and Manish have been married for 38 years and have been preparing to begin their retirement soon. Fortunately, Priya’s mother has recently gifted them a large portfolio of municipal bonds, creating a significant financial windfall for the couple. The Rao’s could now reassess their retirement plans and intention to lend money to their daughter so she could purchase a home. They were also curious if they should sell off these new bonds or if there was a better way to integrate them into their other savings.
How Artemis Helped
- We developed long-range wealth projections to quantify what kind of lifestyle they might be able to enjoy in retirement with the new money and quantified the amount they could gift annually without compromising their other goals.
- We helped them develop a proper promissory note to lend money to their daughter that would allow her to legally deduct the interest she would be paying as if it were a commercial mortgage.
- We developed an integrated investment strategy that called for some diversification away from municipal bonds and called on our bond specialist to help us restructure their bond ladder.
- We introduced Priya and Manish to sustainable investing.
- We educated their daughter on the basics of personal finance by taking her through our formal curriculum for young professionals. (Click here to learn more about our Basics Of Personal Finance course.)