Elizabeth Amory has been married for 27 years and has two adult sons. Sadly, the marriage is failing and Elizabeth does not have a clear picture of their finances. Frankly, she doesn’t know whether she can even afford to leave the marriage and what her financial situation would look like post-divorce. She has been informed that she will soon inherit from her deceased father’s estate, but she is worried that she might have to share this inheritance with her husband and that will leave her with a share insufficient to meet her needs.
By working with Artemis’s CEO Leigh Bivings, a certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA), Elizabeth was able to assess her situation and gain clarity on her next steps.
How Artemis Helped
Leigh worked directly with Elizabeth on the following critical items:
- Developed a detailed family balance sheet and income statement.
- Educated Elizabeth on current Massachusetts divorce laws.
- Created a comprehensive financial model allowing Elizabeth to explore alternative settlement scenarios and develop a negotiating strategy.
- Encouraged her to seek several legal opinions on how MA law views inheritances and what options she might have.
- Helped Elizabeth to complete the required financial affidavit.
- Created a post-divorce financial plan for her.